A full archive of our news posts.
Matthew Medina Region III Matthew Medina has been a Selective Service local board member for nearly three years. He stated, “It is an honor to be nominated as a featured board member of the month.” A graduate from the University of Arizona, Mr. Medina is currently employed at Dun & Bradstreet as a contact center leader in Tucson, AZ. He...
Selective Service Reserve Force Officer and Michigan Detachment Commander, Lt. Col. Daniel Allen, is recognized with numerous awards for his service. As a detachment commander he is responsible for 55 of Michigan’s 83 counties, of which his area has 100 percent coverage of local board members. These board members have been recruited and trained for readiness. In Lt. Col. Allen’s...
The 2017 Combined Federal Campaign’s (CFC’s) theme, “Show Some Love,” is a unified theme kicking off the season of workplace giving. Selective Service National Headquarters’ employees gathered on November 20, to show some support to the agency’s participation in this successful nation-wide campaign. Last year Selective Service exceeded its goal by 40 percent. We are aiming to beat the goal...
Each year on November 11th we recognize Veterans Day to honor all the men and women who’ve served our country in uniform. We honor and celebrate veterans from generations past and present. It’s a time for reflection and recognition of all those who have served and sacrificed. Many, many patriots have given their lives so we may continue to enjoy...
This month is the 100th year anniversary of President Woodrow Wilson signing the Selective Service Act. Shown below is an excellent article written by Mr. Jerome Greer Chandler, titled "Selective Service System is Guardian at the Gate" and reprinted with permission from the VFW. Its is also published in the May, 2017 issue of the VFW magazine. Click here to...
One of Mr. Benton’s first actions as Director of Selective Service System was to have an “All Hands” meeting with all employees to introduce himself and to thank everyone for the warm SSS welcome that he received. He told the employees that he was honored and humbled to be the agency’s new Director and stressed the importance of the Selective...