The U.S. Selective Service System’s (SSS) Best Places to Work in the Federal Government employee engagement score, measuring employee satisfaction with their jobs and organization, increased to 81.3 in 2020, a 32.6 percent increase from its 2019 score. Overall, the 2020 government-wide score is 69 out of 100. The employee engagement score is calculated by the Partnership for Public Service and Boston Consulting Group and was released last week in its 2020 Best Places to Work in the Federal Government® report.
The Selective Service scored in the upper quartile among small agencies in most subcategories and was among the top three in Work-Life Balance (ranked 2 out of 28) and Effective Leadership: Empowerment (3 out of 28).
The survey included 70 federal agencies and their subcomponents. This government-wide analysis began in 2003 and takes place every year measuring employee ratings of their respective agency. Categories include; effective leadership, teamwork, strategic management, employee recognition, and more.
“It tells us that we are fortunate to have an engaged group of employees. During a challenging year in which this agency – like others – battled the COVID-19 pandemic, our SSS workforce remained focused, motivated and committed to excellence,” continued Brown.
Federal law requires all male citizens, as well as male non-citizens residing in the U.S., to register with Selective Service within 30 days of their 18th birthday. At 26, a man becomes too old to register. Those who do not comply can become ineligible for some forms of student financial aid, job training, government employment, and delays in U.S. citizenship for male immigrants.